1.  THOUGHTS OF THE PRINCE, OF DARKNESS (izthewhiz32.blogspot.com) 

8:38 AM (3/26/22):
"They don't need to know, the secret... to getting to heaven..." - Orange Tree Woman

"Why is that, Orange Tree Woman...?" - Michael Izuchukwu

"Because not everyone is worthy...
...something about this blog: www.2skywalking48.blogspot.com..."

" - Orange Tree Woman

“Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness’…” – Matthew 7:22-23 (according to Jesus Christ)


(#1 >>> #36)

(a snapshot of my Facebook profile, as of 10:08 AM... on 11/9/22)






6:26 PM (11/18/22): Elizabeth Holmes, Theranos founder, sentenced to 11.25 years in prison (yahoo.com)

8:55 AM (11/27/22): Inside the Silicon Valley Mansion Where Convicted Theranos Founder Elizabeth Holmes Lived (msn.com)


9:14 AM (11/12/22):

Pregnant Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes includes letter support from Cory Booker to avoid jail (msn.com)

"Senator Cory Booker has the look in this article, of: ‘We just got out of the nut house, but something’s going on…’..." - Michael Izuchukwu

9:18 AM (11/12/22):

U.S. seeks 15 years for Elizabeth Holmes over Theranos fraud (msn.com)

"In the context of the contents of this 'above and prior' article, I believe that whatever sentencing that is rendered... should be aligned with that, which is fair and equitable (in the context, of what such is intended... to address)... ...although I, myself, would not want to subject anyone to that... which is stated..." - Michael Izuchukwu

It was requested that $800 million in restitution, be paid to investors... who were defrauded in the blood testing start-up, known as 'Theranos'... ...along with 15 years, of jail time... Evidently, there must be some grounds... for such a recommendation...


Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz309) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos 

10:28 AM (11/12/22):

LAWSUIT VICTORY DOCUMENT (firstlawsuit.blogspot.com)


5:53 AM (11/12/22):
voldy35 (u/voldy35) - Reddit

4:18 AM (11/11/22);

SUPER SCROLL #1 on Tumblr 

I noticed that I could not log into the site TUMBLR, cellularly (such was only accessible via a laptop, or desktop computer)... on 11/11/22... ...my hypothesis is that my TUMBLR accounts, are of 'greater value' than my REDDIT accounts... regarding the effect, they have...



6:49 PM (11/10/22):

World Record Controversy - YouTube (2:52-3:30)

"Erriyon Knighton has great potential in track and field, in the sprints (particularly, the 200-meter-dash)..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

Michael Izuchukwu (podschike) - Profile | Pinterest

6:57 PM (11/10/22):

Usain Bolt Tv docunentary - YouTube (24:44-25:23 is my favorite part) 


5:12 PM (11/10/22):

THE FEYNMAN SERIES - The Key To Science (ft Joan Feynman) - YouTube (3:11-4:01)


4:16 PM (11/10/22): 

(a sausage link, some gravy-topped mashed potatoes and spinach... as of 4:08 PM, today)


2:43 PM (11/10/22):
Nice suit, son | Man of Steel - YouTube

"Something about this video, made me think of the phrase 'checkpoints in spacetime'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

'Checkpoints in spacetime,' as in... as one gets older, certain things must be done... at certain ages, in order to ride a certain momentum... which may be necessary, to not stray from a 'spiritually-based' path... and to capitalize on the concept, of 'asymptotic aging'... which is 'physiological defiance,' of spacetime...


2:19 PM (11/10/22):
Video recording of prior video footage I had made (1:36 PM, on 11/10/22) - YouTube

"I went back in time, about 9 months and 5 days or so... moments ago (simulation-wise)..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

If you visit the above link, and click on the 'attached link'... you see the actual footage... I was entertaining what it would be like, if on the video of such... there was an 'imaginary link' that could do the same thing, as that... for the 'video recording'... Such a video, might feel as though such were on the level... of that 'actual moment'... excluding the actual sensory information, and the fact... that when viewing a recording of a moment, from the past... there is 'information loss,' due to the nature... of entropy... 

...I would attribute such a feat, to 'significant' understanding... of the real-life applicability, of 'higher dimensions'...

Proportionality (mathematics) - Wikipedia

3:12 PM (11/10/22):

Martin Luther King's Last Speech: I've been to the Mountaintop & M83 - By the Kiss (slowed down) - YouTube

"Something about my prior remarks (at 2:19 PM, today), has implications about the significance... of 'perspective'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Perspective - YouTube (random dude on internet, talking about that word)


12:59 PM (11/10/22):
Mark Zuckerberg details severance deal after sacking 11,000 Meta employees | Watch (msn.com)

"Interesting video... the music playing at 0:00-0:31, made me envision someone long jumping 30 feet (9.14 meters)... in slow-motion, after a run-up..." - Michael Izuchukwu

✂️ "It was hard, ladies and gentlemen..." - Les Brown - YouTube (0:02-0:05)


Long Jump Tokyo 1991 - Mike Powell - 8.95m WR - YouTube (19 centimeters 'further,' is a lot... if a dude broke his world record, by that much... that individual would never hear the end, of the reaction)

4:35 PM (11/10/22):

[ How Einstein’s theory of relativity changed the world - YouTube ]

"Time is relative, depending on your state of motion..." - Albert Einstein (according to 'Walter Isaacson')

5:28 PM (11/10/22):


"Superman mode, indeed..." - Kristen Nash


12:38 PM (11/10/22):

Why I'm Not Moving Back to the US After Living in Germany for Over 4 Years - YouTube

"Interesting video of life overseas, in Germany... I imagine the narrator (from New York City), can speak German... even though she is speaking English in this video (and kind of looks like my cousin, Camara)..." - Michael Izuchukwu




12:21 PM (11/10/22):
A Day in the Life of Neil deGrasse Tyson [VLOG] - YouTube

"I have never been to Europe, before (London, England... specifically)... It would be nice if I had a dad that was alive, to cover the expenses of a flight back to the United States (assuming he was 'down-to-earth')... if anything... My mom and I have an abnormal relationship, given that since February 2020... I have been asking her to return my passport, which she has yet to do... despite claims, that she has such stashed away... and has been reluctant, out of procastination... I am fond of the idea, of traveling to countries... when I am accompanied by at least two individuals, in case of emergency..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The 2012 Olympics, were held at this location/venue...


11:15 AM (11/10/22):
JWST Reveals Nearby Dwarf Galaxy In Exquisite Detail | IFLScience

"Interesting article that I just read... There are many galaxies in the universe, which have yet to be discovered... which may have 'extraterrestrial life'... In our galaxy alone, there have been estimates of at least '36' extraterrestrial civilizations... occupying such..." - Michael Izuchukwu

see: TWITTER-INSTAGRAM (Blogger), whiz544 (continued) (izu365.blogspot.com) 


9:33 AM (11/10/22):
ALONE IN NYC AT 19 (trying to not be lonely...) - YouTube

"I view the world more objectively, at age 33... than when I was 19... but arguably, my perspective has remained relatively constant..." - Michael Izuchukwu


9:15 AM (11/10/22):

(peppered onions, as of 9:12 AM... today)

9:26 AM (11/10/22):
"Interesting video of a family, taking care of business... The African American female must be thinking, 'I secured a good man'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


7:28 AM (11/10/22):
"I spoke with my Aunt Colette, for 23 minutes & 19 seconds... this morning. She told me she was on the train to work, in New York City... and that her 2 daughters (Niama and Camara), presently have occupations - a nurse and care coordinator, respectively... She indicated they would be attending the upcoming Thanksgiving gathering, at her home (in South Orange, NJ)... where they cohabit, with her..." - Michael Izuchukwu

I have not seen Niama or Camara, since late 2018 (or early 2019)... to my recollection...

7:32 AM (11/10/22):


"I have wondered about the 'glitch' that is visible... via laptops or desktop computers, regarding the display of the words 'Master of Science - Nursing'... at the above website. I mentioned this to my aunt, given that such has been present for a number of months... and I have wondered if Niama has taken the initiative, to notice this..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Me at the Seton Hall servery, in South Orange, NJ... at 9:05 AM, on 9/23/22..." - Michael Izuchukwu


5:07 AM (11/10/22): 

Video Doubler (https://www.videodoubler.com/combo/saved/2779)
"One of my favorite triple jumping remixes... I have made '20,' to this date... Quite nostalgic..." - Michael Izuchukwu


7:43 PM (11/9/22):

LeBron James and others impersonated by verified Twitter accounts (msn.com)

"I personally believe, that ideas should be tested... before fully implemented, due to the nature... of certain undertakings, in life... which may be based off hypotheses (educated guesses)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail..." - Benjamin Franklin


5:42 PM (11/9/22):

A 2-part dinner, from the NJ Gourmet buffet... that I came back from, not too long ago... An egg roll and okra, with onions (top, at 4:59 PM) and peppered carrots, with okra and onions (bottom, at 5:10 PM)... today...


2:12 PM (11/9/22):

"The field of medicine was not my initial game plan, in my adolescence (even though some form of obstruction, must have occurred... at Eastern Virginia Medical School, after the summer of 2019)... Arguably, such was being a NASA scientist... even though my dad, had attempted to guide me... into the field of mechanical engineering... I do believe that finding a line of work, where one is in communion with others... is ideal, for 'spiritual optimization'..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

Inside Surgery with Pediatric Surgeon, Edward M. Barksdale, Jr., MD - YouTube

2:16 PM (11/9/22):
"I did receive a 'residency offer notice' on 10/11/20, but there was not sufficient specification... for genuine 'follow-up'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

RESIDENCY LETTER (3whiz104.blogspot.com)

2:25 PM (11/9/22):
"I had thought that medical school, could be a potential pathway... for fulfilling my 'cosmological pursuits'... in the context, of how some physicians... have gone to outer space..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Redefining the (Emergency) Physician-Astronaut EMRA


1:24 PM (11/9/22):


"Interesting workplace commotion..." - Michael Izuchukwu

1:37 PM (11/9/22):
I don't eat 'much' deli meat often, due to the sodium content... which can lead to hypertension... and the fact, that some nitrates/nitrites... can be carcinogenic... I am attempting to find, a healthier substitute...

1:46 PM (11/9/22): 
My mom formerly had colorectal (colon) surgery... aside from such, for her heart... She's had 1 heart surgery operation (2020), while my dad had 4 (2006, 2010, 2013 and 2018)...

1:53 PM (11/9/22):
Health insurance can minimize the costs of colorectal surgery... but Desiderius Erasmus once said, 'Prevention is the best cure'...

2:01 PM (11/9/22):

[a breakfast I had, on 3/31/20... '10' days, after initially arriving... at my former apartment complex (in University City, MO), after having been 'in the wilderness'... in a sense, for 13 months... regarding a state of 'perpetual homeless/vagrancy'... when I had been in Virginia, New Jersey and Pennsylvania... ...in the aftermath of my lawsuit victory against my mom, on 3/6/19]


9:50 AM (11/9/22):

(an artistic depiction of a ship, sailing towards the moon)

This was one of the photos, on my very first Facebook profile... created on 10/7/06... which was involuntarily deactivated, in the year 2019... I remember that the last upload to the account, had the words, 'well what can I say, if I were alive today... I would shit my pants, and begin to pray'... with a photo of Adolf Hitler, hunched over... and looking confused... ...such is no longer with me, and had been on a laptop of mine (along with other material)... that was 'involuntarily disabled,' when I had been in Philadelphia, PA... in the Fall of 2019... When I had been at Eastern Virginia Medical School, there was a point in time... when I had was researching his 'health history'... after having done the same, for Albert Einstein (given they were both German-born)... and I had been working on some subjects, which required some familiarity... with physics fundamentals... 
...from my recollection, I know that Albert Einstein had a nurse attending to him... in his final moments, who did not recollect what he was saying...

10:00 AM (11/9/22):


9:30 AM (11/9/22):

Suli Breaks - Why I Hate School But Love Education [Official Spoken Word Video] - YouTube 

"If you want to proceed through life, with an 'optimal magnitude and direction'... have a framework/foundation of education, tends to support... that ideal..." - Michael Izuchukwu


9:19 AM (11/9/22):

(some peppered onions, as of 8:49 AM... today)


 3:17 PM (4/24/22)
Asymptotic aging, is likely the consequence of the harnessing of optimal, internal... homeostatic processes. The preservation of one's form (externally and internally), is the true measure... for whether or not one is defying spacetime... and likely the key, to this process... of interest
The probability of life on Jupiter's moon Europa just got a lot higher (msn.com) - Interesting article; if one sticks around for a long enough time... one may be surprised, about that... which is discovered

 3:37 PM (4/24/22)
Interesting video, detailing what happened after Christopher Columbus (and his crew) landed in the Americas, on October 12... of 1492... and encountered the indigenous people
"In order to cross the ocean, you must have the courage... to lose sight, of the shore..." - Christopher Columbus

 6:33 PM (4/24/22)
A tour of this luxury home, is a clear indication… that the inhabitants would have to exert more energy, than certain home owners… to navigate, the interior… Aside from the spaciousness of such, I suspect that being apart from the ‘estate’ for long durations… at considerable distances, leads to a certain ‘gravitation’… that is aligned with ‘spiritual burden’…

At 6:35-6:46, a certain bed is featured… as though the inanimate object is a slave master… and he/she who approaches such, being...‘the enslaved’…

"It may be best to invest in the future, as opposed to strictly the present... when thinking about the variables of the spirit, mind and body... and where one will be... at various points on the spectrum, of spacetime... if one were to envision oneself, in the same location. One must think about the words, 'who, what, where, when, why and how'... to gauge that, which has intrinsic value... when establishing one's endeavors..." - Michael Izuchukwu


Michael Izuchukwu (@Michael08682677) / Twitter

(YouTube channel of my middle brother, JJ/John Jr.)


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